stop covid vaccin

Australian Government Stops Accepting Covid Vaccine Injury Claims Today

by Sean Miller September 30th, 2024 5:04 PM 

Image Credit: VioletaStoimenova / Getty

  • Despite the Covid shots still being administered, those who get injured by them now have lost their ability to get compensation by the agency that recommends them.
  • “Many victims feel abandoned by the government, saying the scheme’s eligibility criteria was too narrow, too cumbersome, and it lacked transparency,” investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi said on Substack.

The Australian government is no longer accepting Covid vaccine injury claims as of Monday, despite the ongoing suffering of the vaccine victims.

“Following the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) update published on 13 December 2023, the Australian Government has made the decision to extend the closing date of the Scheme until 30 September 2024. Claims for compensation under the Scheme may continue to be lodged until 30 September 2024,” the Australian Department of Health website said.

The scheme that has ended was in place for those who have suffered moderate to severe injury from the Covid vaccine.

“The Australian Government has implemented a claims scheme to enable eligible claimants who have received a TGA-approved COVID-19 vaccine to obtain compensation for recognised moderate to severe vaccine-related adverse events,” the Australian Department of Health website said.

The program covered losses or expenses of $1,000 AUD and above due to Covid vaccine side effects.

Investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi further discussed the sunset of this program on her Substack on Sunday, stating that many people are still beginning to experience latent side effects from the exotic injections.

“Today, the Australian government’s Vaccine Claims Scheme stops accepting new claims, despite thousands of people continuing to suffer with covid-19 vaccine injuries,” Demasi said on Substack.

She said that many vaccine victims feel left behind and could not benefit from the compensation program.

“Many victims feel abandoned by the government, saying the scheme’s eligibility criteria was too narrow, too cumbersome, and it lacked transparency,” Demasi said on Substack.

While the Australian government has paid out $32 million AUD, it has not revealed how many claims have been approved or denied.

“One of the primary criticisms of the scheme has been the overly stringent criteria for eligibility,” Demasi said on Substack.

The Australian Department of Health still recommends the Covid vaccine, despite the compensation program sunsetting, leaving those who get injured out in the cold.

The Covid shots are known to:

In the U.S. the CDC recommends that all Americans receive their tenth Covid shot and that young children receive extra, while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.

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