Interpellation debateNovember 29, 2024

The broadcast startsFriday 29 NovemberThere is no time for when the broadcast will star


Interpellation 2024/25:222 Measures to minimize damage from mRNA vaccines

by Elsa Widding (-)

to Social Affairs Minister Jakob Forssmed (KD)

A group of doctors, researchers, politicians and other qualified professionals from the Nordic countries as well as from the UK, Estonia, Lithuania and Greenland (the North group) have written a letter to the Ministers of State and Health in these countries describing evidence that mRNA vaccines are contaminated with too much bacterial DNA and thus poses a risk of serious damage to human health. The letter will be published on Monday 25 November and has been signed by a wide range of experts from around the world as well as from politicians in the above-mentioned countries. A press release about the letter will go out to media in the US and throughout Europe.

It is about synthetic foreign DNA being encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles which can thus be integrated into human cells, which can lead to genomic instability, cancer, disorders of the immune system and negative hereditary effects.

These doctors, scientists and other qualified experts are very concerned and are therefore calling for an immediate investigation into the presence of excessive levels of synthetic bacterial DNA in mRNA vaccines against covid-19.

The letter therefore calls for an immediate halt to the use of mRNA vaccines pending a full and transparent investigation into their approval and use, particularly with regard to the contamination.

Contamination of newly tested mRNA vaccines (against covid-19) with synthetic DNA in Australia confirms previous studies in Germany, Canada and the USA. 

In Australia, the question of DNA contamination has thus already been on the government’s table when, on September 20, 2024, Member of Parliament Russell Broadbent, like the Nordic group, submitted a lay summary and a scientific report on DNA contamination to the Australian government.

Even the experts who signed the letter to the Australian government demanded that all vaccines based on mRNA technology be stopped until the results of such a study have been published and the products have been shown to be free from the risk of genotoxicity.

A second letter, signed by 52 international doctors, scientists and other qualified professionals, was sent by Broadbent on 25 September 2024. This letter showed how several prominent scientists had tried to warn the TGA (Australian Public Health Authority) about the risks, which had been ignored since the beginning by 2021.

On October 11, 2024, the local government in Port Hedland, Western Australia, voted to suspend Moderna’s and Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccines until they have been tested for high levels of synthetic DNA. They also decided to distribute information to all GPs in the Port Hedland area, urging them to share this information with patients who wish to receive the mRNA vaccines in question. In addition, the council voted to inform the other 537 local councils in Australia of the evidence of DNA contamination.

I would therefore like to ask Social Affairs Minister Jakob Forssmed:

  1. Will the minister appoint an independent and transparent investigation regarding strong suspicions that the mRNA vaccine against covid-19 affects the human genome?
  2. Will the Minister stop all use of products based on the mRNA technology until the above investigation is complete? 
  3. If the minister chooses not to stop the use of mRNA technology in Sweden, will the minister take full responsibility for the consequences?
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