massive immigration

Polling Shows Americans Becoming Fed-Up With Mass Immigration

Allan Wall October 1, 2024

The clock is ticking on the 2024 election, which is next month.

Border Hawk cannot endorse candidates, but we can examine polling and see what the American public thinks about immigration issues.

Consider these recent polls:


According to a Harris/Axios Vibes poll of 6,251 respondents, conducted in March and April, 51% support mass deportation.

Furthermore, 46% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats would end automatic birthright citizenship.


The majority of respondents (55%) in an April Gallup poll said that immigration should be decreased. That percentage has been steadily rising since 2020.


A Pew Research Center poll of 9,201 adults (including 7,569 registered voters) conducted in April highlighted the divide between the Trump and Kamala voters.

  • Mass Deportations of Illegal Aliens: 88% of Trump supporters favor it, only 27% of Harris supporters favor, while 72% of Kamala supporters oppose.
  • Regarding the admission of refugees from war and violence, 49% of Trumpsters support but 85% of Harris supporters favor.
  • Allowing illegals married to citizens to stay in the country is supported by 37% of Trump supporters and 80% of Harris supporters.
  • The goal of improving border security is strongly supported by 96% of Trumpsters and 80% of Harris supporters. Likewise, the admission of high-skilled immigrants is supported by 71% of Trumpsters and 87% of Harris supporters.
  • 59% of Trump supporters say increased immigration would make their lives worse while 65% of Harris supporters say it will not make any difference.
  • As for the economy, 29% of Trump supporters said legal immigration makes it worse, while 62% of Harris supporters say it makes it better.
  • Regarding illegal immigration, 92% of Trumpsters say it makes crime worse, only 37% of Harris supporters say that.
  • Amnesty for illegal aliens was supported by 87% of Harris supporters and 33% of Trumpsters.
  • A majority of both Trump (96%) and Harris supporters (68%) say illegal aliens shouldn’t receive welfare.


This poll questioned 1,027 Americans from September 13th to 15th.

Question #4 asked, “Which of the following, if any, do you view as the country’s top priority on immigration?” A number of options were provided, only one of which could be chosen. “Securing the U.S.-Mexico border” was the most selected answer at 33%. “Deporting those who are in the country illegally” was selected by 18% of respondents. Adding those two tallies together shows us that 51% chose what we would call ‘restrictionist answers.’

Regarding the candidates, 45% were favorable to Kamala Harris and 38% to Donald Trump. Nevertheless, when the same people were asked, “Which presidential candidate do you believe will do a better job handling immigration?” 44% replied Donald Trump and 34% chose Kamala. Isn’t that interesting? Being favorable to a candidate is one thing, assessing his or her immigration policy is another.

A list of policy proposals were provided, and the survey-takers were asked, “To what extent do you support or oppose the following?”

One of these proposals was, “Giving a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children” — the so-called “DREAMers.” That was supported by 68% and opposed by 28%.

The other three were restrictionist proposals:

  • “Local law enforcement having the ability to detain migrants” — Support: 62% | Oppose: 35%
  • “Restrictions that limit the number of migrants who can claim asylum” — Support: 69% | Oppose: 27%
  • “The mass deportation of undocumented immigrants” — Support: 54% | Oppose: 42%


Polling on immigration, as with other issues, can depend upon the wording of the questions, and polling can provide contradictory answers. After all, voters can be contradictory and don’t always carry their opinions to their logical conclusions.

Still, polls are useful for discovering general trends.

The results of these polls indicate that there is a market for immigration restrictionist policies, including even mass deportation and an end to automatic birthright citizenship.

Candidates for president and Congress this year ought to pay attention to these polls. They and their advisors can craft their platforms accordingly.

But there’s not much time remaining…

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