Dear Dr. Malone…
Conversation with Dr. Jane Ruby recorded on Nov 6, 2024.
Click below to see the video
An open letter.
Sasha Latypova May 01, 2024
Robert Malone recently published a post revisiting his reasons for getting vaccinated with Moderna and his subsequent vaccine injury:
In early 2021, I spoke to colleagues at the FDA, who assured me that the vaccine was safe and was helping people with long COVID. They also re-assured me that the toxicity that I had seen with the LNPs in the 1990s had been resolved with new formulations. I trusted my government and public health. I trusted my friends. At that point, almost no one was writing about myocarditis or even that the vaccine was producing any adverse events. Frankly, I was proud of my part in inventing this suite of technologies and glad to see the ideas evolve into something that would save lives. Little did I know that all of the “research and development” in the years after I had left the field had never addressed that original safety issues and that in fact the addition of pseudouridine had made these products even more dangerous. Remember- most corporate research is never published – literally we the public have no way of knowing what had been done or not done. We had to trust the government.
Let me set the stage for this open letter by saying Robert Malone believes that I am one of those haters, who are absolutely unreasonably stalking him all over the internet with hateful comments, etc. He thinks this is personal somehow. Recently he published an amateur level made-up psychology piece, heavily implying that everyone who has ever disagreed with his statements, pointed to his really bad conflicts of interest, or disagreed with his opinions are only doing this because they are “dark triad” narcissistic personalities.
Dear Dr. Malone:
I don’t hate you. It is not personal. Some people say that you are lying about getting the Moderna injections and being injured by them. But I believe you on this, because I believe all victims. There are other reasons, hopefully this letter will make it clear why.
First, a brief note of thanks. In your post you referred to the website Howbad is Your Batch ( where you looked up your Moderna batch numbers. Thanks for the shout-out. That’s the website which Craig Paaradekooper started with my help including $160 for web hosting. It was inspired by my original analysis of the variability of averse events and deaths for the covid vaccine batches that was published for the first time on October 31, 2021 in the Expose (a UK newspaper). Craig saw this publication and made his own independent analysis which he published on Bitchute on Nov 16, 2021. We collaborated on subsequent data research in this area for over a year. The website became hugely popular, letting people see for themselves how many deaths and injuries were caused by the technology you claim you invented.
Next, let’s review your claims that I “attacked” you and especially “continuously, all the time” that you angrily asserted in now-infamous Doc Malik interview on January 16, 2024. Three days after this interview you decided to block me on X/Twitter and then issued this malicious defamatory lie posed as a “question”:

My husband has no connections to the WEF, but you have provided a very public proof that you are a liar. I had not attacked you prior to this idiotic character smear by you for a simple reason – there had been no need. I disagreed with your suing the Breggins and Dr. Ruby (whom you publicly called a “tart” – what a gentleman!) I was right: your baseless lawsuit was found baseless and thrown out by the judge. I disagreed with your pandemic preparedness pandering, because pandemics are a fiction used by the deep state psychopaths to install global tyranny. My disagreements were not “attacks”, they are factual disagreements, backed up by substantial evidence. Since January 16, I have numerous good reasons to point to your lies, conflicts of interest and the pandemic preparedness propaganda that you push.
Clip 1 (starting around 30 min into the interview): click the link to see the video
Dear Dr. Malone… – by Sasha Latypova
Transcript (emphasis added):
- At 30:22 – Ahmad Malik asks “let’s talk about the FDA…Sasha Latypova was on my podcast and she was clear that DOD and DARPA…”
- RM: “Sasha Latypova says a lot of shit and she attacks me all the time, there are a lot of people that think she is actually a controlled opposition. She makes a lot of statements that are unsubstantiated, and if you look at the documents they are not nearly what she asserts they are” …. “Unlike Sasha, I am actually an expert in government affairs and writing government contracts and regulatory affairs. I know what I am talking about! I have written OTA contracts! I know those clauses intimately! …”
This is called “bad-jacketing”, isn’t it? You claim to be an expert in this: “a lot of people think she is controlled opposition”. Who are those “a lot of people”, Bob? Care to elaborate, and maybe show some evidence that I am “controlled” and by whom/what? Maybe a current non-disclosure contract or several with some really powerful entity with money and guns? Oh wait, silly me, that’s you! You have those CDAs by which you are controlled by the party that has unleashed the mass poisoning and deprivation of rights under pretenses of a “pandemic” on us, specifically the US Gov/DOD. Earlier in the interview you yelled at Doc Malik for questioning the sanctity of the pandemic. Accuse the others of what you are doing – can you please refresh my memory, was that Alinsky or Goebbels?
I never knew you were also an OTA expert! That’s good to know. It would have been even better to know this right around 2020 when you were busy writing covid guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for covid countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then. It would have been great to have you utter some mention of it on Joe Rogan’s or Dark Horse podcast or some other high profile social media venue to the mislead Americans who all thought they were getting safe regulated pharmaceutical products and not unregulated, dangerous, liability-free EUA military countermeasures. Why didn’t you say anything back then? Why didn’t you say anything in the January 16 Doc Malik interview to disprove what I said about the OTA/covid contracts? What evidence of OTA expertise can you offer other than an angry assertion that you have it? Why did you wait to claim you have an expertise in this topic until non-OTA-experts,
and I found and reviewed the relevant law and the contracts, and until
, a journalist and not previously an OTA expert, figured out why and how HHS “partnered” with the DOD to circumvent their respective OTA restrictions? Turns out that was necessary to order a massive volume of “prototypes and demonstrations” (unregulated chemical poison) and pretend these were regulated medicines for military and civilians. Did you know this in 2020?
As an expert, you seem to be consistently many steps behind the non-experts!
Clip 2: click the link to see the video Dear Dr. Malone… – by Sasha Latypova
RM: I also did a deep dive into the emergency health regulation documents and what they stipulate. They stipulate, for declaration of emergency that the DOD will be involved. Now, Sasha makes wild claims that this is a DOD controlled operation. I haven’t seen that documentation.
Could someone please point me to that deep dive into the emergency health regs by Dr. Malone, and when was it published, if it exists at all? I have so many unanswered questions. Why would the DOD be involved in an alleged “public health” event on the US soil? What are the laws that allow the deployment of the federal armed forces onto Americans, and onto the non-federal lands that belong to the states that are presumably not at war? Why did Col Matt Hepburn of DARPA call the pharma pandemic consortium on Feb 4, 2020 to tell them covid is a national security threat? What justified that extraordinary statement when there was zero covid in the US, almost none in the world, and nobody died of it at that time (or since, really)? What justified these extraordinary militarized activities, Bob? Please, do tell us, little people, who are not experts like you?
You state that you have not seen the documentation that the OWS was controlled by the DOD. That doesn’t mean the documentation is non-existent, this only means that you are either not an expert in the areas you claim to be expert of, or you have an odd, very pronounced, (DOD-curated?) memory loss problem. You have seen this documentation, at a minimum once, when I presented it in January 2023 in Stockholm. Do you remember, you came on stage after, and gave me a hug? So you did see it! This chart which clearly states that the DOD is the Chief Operating Officer of OWS. This chart has been available since October 2020:

General Gustave Perna was the Chief Operating Officer of OWS. This guy:

It’s not Peter Marks and not Robert Kadlec as you claim later in the interview, although Peter Marks is indeed credited with the OWS name. He is a Star Trek fan. And he is also your friend, Bob, at least you thought he was. I will address this in a minute.
You say it’s Kadlec’s fault and he “might be CIA”. He might be both of these things, as he personally allocated the $billions looted from taxpayers in the form of “covid countermeasures contracts” to his pharma cronies, including your own baby – Inovio Pharmaceuticals! However, besides the billions in no-bid contracts that have flown from the DOD to manufacture a variety of poisons and murdering systems, may I also direct your attention to the DOD leadership of OWS conducting many press conferences in 2020 and 2021, clearly explaining to the world that they were indeed in charge. Look at those glamorous uniforms, insignia and military ranks! Not only they are in charge of the OWS, they also repeatedly assert they are in charge of the whole-entire-government. Listen to General Talley’s suffering from the special form of the DOD-Tourrete’s Syndrome: this is clipped from just one (!) Pentagon press conference, on June 2, 2020.
Of course, this is not the only documentation of the DOD being in charge of the Operation Warp Speed! Far from it. Here is a 14-page executive summary discussing the role of the DOD and OTA contracts prepared on request of Senator Ron Johnson by me, Katherine Watt and by several lawyers and other professionals (minus attachments). I welcome your calmly disproving any of this, but please, let’s avoid outbursts of anger while proclaiming expertise and not saying anything substantive. That shtick is getting stale.
And of course, this is not the first time an actual expert pointed it out to you. Remember, Dr. Mike Yeadon brought this up in December 2023, and you told him to “STFU”? I do! Yes, that was the first instance of me publicly criticizing you, Bob, for being rude, and for studiously “not noticing” the truth. “Not noticing”, e.g., not noticing the DOD being in charge of OWS when they clearly are, is a sophisticated, practiced way of lying. To quote my own statement:
It is possible that the “experts” do not understand how this crime is being committed and by whom, and it is possible they did not see the previous answers by the FDA (even in court depositions), and are not aware of the decisions by federal judges in key cases, and do not understand the current US law, and never heard of EUA Countermeasures (while working for DOD and DTRA and getting paid to make countermeasures). Possible, but not likely. And if this is the case, then why are they called experts, again?
So why are big experts asking the same damn question over and over again and expecting a different answer? That quote is misattributed to Einstein by the way.
I don’t think this is a sign of insanity. Nobody involved in this is stupid or making mistakes. Clearly, all these near misses from the truth are designed to nearly miss the truth as long as possible while the global prison is being constructed.
Let’s get back to Peter Marks, Dr. Malone. The thing is, you made a big mistake. He wasn’t your friend. You see, cockroaches don’t have the capability to be friends. His human qualities are superficial. He/it/whatever that was, it was a test of your pharmaceutical industry and nature-of-government expertise. I am sorry to bear the bad news, but you failed. One of us is an expert, and the other one trusted Peter Marks. Be well. I hope your body will recover from your vaccine injury in time. Your reputation might not…
Sasha Latypova
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